A short story about Dalmatian gastronomy
Dalmatian cuisine is actually typical Mediterranean cuisine, which means that people in Dalmatia use a lot of olive oil, herbs, fresh fish and vegetables. Food is usually prepared by cooking in water, grilling or by using peka (which is kind of like baking). The simplest dishes such as fresh grilled fish sprinkled with top-quality olive oil, parsley and garlic is sometimes the tastiest food that You can try in Dalmatia.
Prosciutto, for a start! You can try this typical appetizer in almost every restaurant or konoba on the island. It’s usually served with dalmatian cheese, olives, capers and matar (aromatic seaside herbs). Salted anchovies or sardines are another great dalmatian gastro story. This tradition has existed since ancient times on the Dalmatian islands and along the coast, and generations of people in the Mediterranean were raised on salted sardines. A few fillets of salted fish served with olive oil and a glass of wine is our suggestion for an ideal appetizer or brunch.
People in Dalmatia make very good fish soup and risotto. Black risotto prepared from squid or cuttlefish; seafood or vegetable risottos are “must try” dishes. Speaking of “must try” dishes we must mention another mouthwatering one that we love, brujet! It’s seafood stew made of monkfish, grouper and conger eel with onions, tomatoes and white wine served with polenta. Lastly, let’s not forget the octopus. Whether it’s prepared baked under the peka, on a salad or as octopus carpaccio, it’s always an unforgettable gastronomic experience.
Another must-try traditional dish from Dalmatia is pašticada. This meat (beef) based dish is usually served during festive occasions and holidays. The sauce of this dish is very rich because the beef is marinated before cooking. Red wine, bay leaves and dried plums also play a great part in the richness of taste.
You can finish your exploring of dalmatian cuisine with a delicious dessert. The story is simple here, as well. There is no place for rich, thick and complicated creams among traditional Dalmatian sweets. Dalmatian desserts are made of fruit, fresh or dried (raisins and figs), walnuts, almonds and honey.